Phoenix Kaspian works in the fields of mechanical and structural design. Phoenix is based on the Pacific Coast of North America. Here, he prototypes hydrogen-powered vans, and tech-noir skyscraper-interiors. Phoenix has collaborated with visionaries like Steve Jobs, and his design work has appeared on the front page of The New York Times, and The Financial Times.
Phoenix is the author of two printed books on design and graphics written under his previous name 'Chris Stevens'. These design books are published, in multiple languages, across the world by John Wiley & Sons. Phoenix is the author of a novel Ash (2024), and the popular documentary film Repeat After Me (2016) which exposes the traumatic-origins of political careerism.
Phoenix Kaspian previously worked as a scientist for The Castalia Foundation, founded in 1963 by world-famous philosopher and scientist, Dr Timothy Leary. Phoenix's ground-breaking research into empathogen entactogens resulted in his editorship of the book MDMA Solo. This book has reached over one-million readers who are self-healing from severe trauma.
Phoenix Kaspian designed and edited one of the best-known adaptations of Alice in Wonderland, which shipped over one million copies. The success of Phoenix's co-production of Alice (2010) led to a collaboration with Steve Jobs. Phoenix's Alice adaptation featured on the front-page of most newspapers in the world, and on TV shows from New York to Tokyo.
Phoenix Kaspian has formed several bands over the years. He is best-known for Unicorn Lazers, the live dubstep band. Phoenix was lead-singer in Unicorn Lazers and he played keyboard. Unicorn Lazers headlined major venues, including the world-famous 100 Club. His previous band, The Liar's Club, was interviewed and featured internationally by MTV magazine.
Phoenix was a journalist for The Telegraph newspaper, writing features on architecture and culture (under his former name, 'Chris Stevens'). Later, at The Times newspaper, Phoenix was a staff-writer for infographics. Phoenix won a Guardian Media Award for his investigative journalism on Exeposé. Read Phoenix's journalism for Voice of Liberated Children by clicking here.